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Re: Sadly we've been here before...

By David B1/4/2017 19:50Sat Apr 1 19:50:14 2017In response to Re: Sadly we've been here before...

Views: 4103

I have seen a photo from a Tonbridge fan behind the goal.

The instant of the shot suggests that all of the ball was not all of the way over the line, but I admit it looked as if Tom Lovelock had not quite reached the ball yet.

The assistant referee was three-four yards from the goal-line, so not ideally placed to make the decision.

Tom and Sam Murphy, also on the line, were absolutely certain the whole ball was not over the line, and Sam was still angry when I spoke with him an hour later.

Steve McKimm was sure it was a goal, but others on the Tonbridge bench were less certain. One person said to me his instinct was it was not a goal, and that was before he saw Lovelock’s reaction, which made him even more sure.

We have had gut-wrenching losses before this season and bounced back. Now we have to go and do it again at Cheriton Road next week.

This wild ride is not yet over, but it just got wilder and tougher.

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