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Re: Bognor

By rwakeley7/2/2017 22:07Tue Feb 7 22:07:57 2017In response to Bognor

Views: 3366

Sometimes hard to pass any credible comments on a game not seen. Gut reaction to be honest on line-up was slightly off kilter, asking questions with regards to Casey and Elliott's absence. Were we going to be strong enough given our home record and opposition? It's still a relatively untried line-up.
Underlying character in abundance. That's a huge positive. Win Saturday that's 7 out of 9 points.
One game at a time chaps.
Very satisfying result.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Bognor by ChrisHFC7/2/2017 22:28Tue Feb 7 22:28:52 2017

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