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Re: Grey Day (Madness)

By StAlbansDon14/12/2016 19:53Wed Dec 14 19:53:58 2016In response to Re: Grey Day (Madness)

Views: 3796

Totally agree to a democratic society where we all have our say. Life is full of negativity and this dosnt help our management team or players on the pitch. Measured response with Hendon FC at our best interest is where we need to be. We are no longer worrying about survival but should be concerned about our growth and future development.

The words you quote are profound and strike a chord but I can't accept negativity when we are now so lucky.

I am lucky to be close to Gary and the players and know how much they need a positive support from all of us.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Grey Day (Madness) by Mike Cox15/12/2016 19:45Thu Dec 15 19:45:19 2016

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