Re: In case you need a reminder of the misery
Views: 3099
I thought the Gaffer summed it up well, presumably in the early hours, when he eluded to the fact we had probably hit rock bottom. From afar, the very same thought crossed my mind. Throwing so many new faces in the deep end and expecting an immediate transformation is somewhat nieve.
Objectively, those goals look dreadful. I actually quite like the look of the loanee keeper. But looking at the line-up again, and given the new fleeting additions, they are young and will make errors in judgement. The centre-half pairing is driving everyone doolally. Ironically, since the loss of Elliott, the best duo we have probably had is Casey and Big Dave. They had a real solid stint together, and for whatever reason have failed to be re-installed.
Personally, I tend to veer away from being overly critical, but that's down to the individual interpretation. As a footnote, when I do, the planet will generally get to hear about it! This is a time for everybody to try and rally the troops, however hard.
Maybe in a way having such a tough test Saturday will do us some good.
Don't let those head's drop - Keep at it!
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