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Slightly different take

By rwakeley8/10/2016 17:55Sat Oct 8 17:55:56 2016In response to Normal service has been resumed

Views: 3267

Trips to Crown Meadow are as tough as anywhere we have to go. Suffolk in general, the football is fast and physically tough. The lads will be annoyed not to have seen it through but we are not the first team to concede a last minute equaliser and we won't be the last.
Reading in-between the lines, it sounded as if we clearly impressed throughout the first half - and we've hit the post late on. There's a lot of positives - the performance must have impressive, for the greater part - and Nico bagging a brace.
I agree, with the goals against tally. I presume Kevin is back next week.
As for next week, it's a free ride, the lads will be up for what is going to be an immense challenge. I would imagine the lads are annoyed. Good - wounded animal and all that. Next week is by no-means mission impossible. A bit of frustration, occasionally, if channelled correctly, is not a bad thing.

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