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Utterly brilliant

By Paul Butler (buts1690)17/9/2016 20:05Sat Sep 17 20:05:21 2016

Views: 3554

Excellent performance all round today, no coincidence in my mind that our best performance of the season that I've seen has come when Kevin and Casey are both in the side. Great day, I even won a football coupon for a change! Let's hope for a kind draw now that one's out of the way. Onwards and upwards, see you on Tuesday!

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Next article in this thread: Re: Utterly brilliant by jimsredwhiteandgreen18/9/2016 07:30Sun Sep 18 07:30:32 2016

Previous thread: Before we all start getting carried away... by rwakeley19/9/2016 12:43Mon Sep 19 12:43:42 2016view thread