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Re: Not Quite Random Ramblings

By rwakeley5/5/2016 16:38Thu May 5 16:38:21 2016In response to Re: Not Quite Random Ramblings

Views: 3305

In footballing parlance, I would describe last night as akin to watching an autopsy on a loved one!
No-one can accuse the lads of not trying and like the fans, they themselves, displayed their frustrations.
All our pro-longed weakenesses were once again brought to the fore.
I maintain we are at a cross-juncture. With Kevin due back in the middle the whole dynamic changes. We saw last night the space Seebs had to exploit. Kevin has great awareness and we will become stronger.
Plenty of terrace talk with regards to recent departures potentially coming back. We have a lack of physical presence and have been incapable of imposing any foothold in games.
It all makes for an interesting pre-season. I remain optimistic. A couple of solid additions and we should prosper in a division which looks to contain a lot of evenly matched sides.
Keep those heads up chaps.

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