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Re: My own personal views - part 4

By rwakeley15/11/2015 02:33Sun Nov 15 02:33:35 2015In response to Re: My own personal views - part 4

Views: 3721

I am really not being critical - far from it - it's the views of one fan. I cannot resort to personal condemnation, its a prelude to sharing opinions on what I feel as a fan of whom want's us to turn the corner.
I feel Hendon are in a Karma, Ying/Yang or what-ever thing. It's a balance.
I look at these lads and genuinely maintain we are so much better than what we are displaying. We are a far better side than what we have shown to date, irrespective of circumstance.
I remain defiant.

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Next article in this thread: Balance by Deadman15/11/2015 10:46Sun Nov 15 10:46:23 2015

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