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Re: My own personal views - part 3

By rwakeley15/11/2015 02:17Sun Nov 15 02:17:23 2015In response to Re: My own personal views - part 2

Views: 3661

I believe we have been shambolic in selection all season - don't blame the management, circumstances prevailing.
Right-back:- Youngster, always suspect to being overran. Maidstone effectively ended Brandon Horner in 20 minutes. Parks, Coke, Eddie, I think it's time we really made a decision in the short-term who is best equipped, good to see Seebs back on the pitch.
Left-back:- Olls, I think the lad as struggled this campaign. Over exposed. Out-paced three or four times today. Failure to stem crosses into the box. No protection from wide or behind. I love the lad but I feel he is really feeling the effects if anybody is out there.
C/H:- To be honest I am not sure we know what our best pairing is. I will leave it at that. Errors and poor judgement creap in.

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Next article in this thread: Re: My own personal views - part 4 by rwakeley15/11/2015 02:27Sun Nov 15 02:27:29 2015

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