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Re: Another good day at the office?

By Hendonboy11/10/2015 11:29Sun Oct 11 11:29:02 2015In response to Re: Another good day at the office?

Views: 3894

Video makes it look like practically nothing happened, but given the angle and that Joe Hicks runs across the shot just before the crucial moment I won't be holding my breath. Could have done without the roll from Seb Brown, but he did get up straight after. Hopefully the FA see sense over that one.

Kirbs' is a classic DOGSO - soft foul (only a trip), but last man on a player just running through. No complaints about that.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Another good day at the office? by SteveHFC10/10/2015 17:15Sat Oct 10 17:15:39 2015

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