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Line in the sand

By lesskinner13/9/2015 11:55Sun Sep 13 11:55:20 2015

Views: 3874

I totally agree with John Rogers article, and it seems that from the start of this season everything has gone wrong, it started with the Mcclarens and their disgraceful attitude off the pitch and on many occasions they were not any different on it always questioning referees decisions, I first started following Hendon in 1960 and have felt pride in the players that have played for us, I wonder what Rod Haider and John Swannell would make of what is going on today, I agree with John that I would be happy to finish mid table or lower, but lets get back to playing football the Hendon way and re-ignite that pride in the players that has always been the hallmark of Hendon

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Next article in this thread: Re: Line in the sand by Mike Cox13/9/2015 16:32Sun Sep 13 16:32:20 2015

Previous thread: Too Many Players? by Deadman13/9/2015 14:56Sun Sep 13 14:56:58 2015view thread