Views: 3206
Hi guys
Skelmersdale United fan here,
Im compiling information regards the 1967 Amateur Cup and Skem Utds appearance at Wembley
We had three mammoth games against you in the Semi Final, I was there but was very young and remember nothing. Although a few of our supporters reckon that the clubs greatest achievement was the victory over yourselves.
I was wondering if any of your....older supporters.... went to these games and had any memories and stories to tell
to be included in a book.
I have seen mentions of Coopers magnificent goal in the second game on this forum
So if anyone can add details, memories of the games would be delighted to hear your stories
You can email me at
Much appreciated
Kev Panther
Next article in this thread: Re: 1967 by rwakeley30/5/2015 10:50Sat May 30 10:50:21 2015
- 1967 by skelmersdaleunited29/5/2015 21:16Fri May 29 21:16:06 2015view thread
- Re: 1967 by rwakeley30/5/2015 10:50Sat May 30 10:50:21 2015
- Re: 1967 by Jeff Hill30/5/2015 13:09Sat May 30 13:09:41 2015