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Re: Planning for 2015/16

By Simon25/5/2015 08:51Mon May 25 08:51:27 2015In response to Planning for 2015/16

Views: 3362

I have had some great emails so far so thanks to those of you who have pledged donations towards next season's budget.

Even so, we're not quite where we need to be and the Board's meeting with Gary is almost upon us.

Sorry for being so direct but please don't wait for others to email me - please drop me a line ( to let me know if you can help and, if so, how much you are able to pledge. There's no sum too small (or too big!)

This is your football club just as much as mine and as Gary is fond of saying .... we're all in this together.


Edited by Simon at 08:56:40 on 25th May 2015

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