Planning for 2015/16
Views: 3945
I hope you enjoyed last season even if the Margate result wasn't what we were all looking for. If you had offered me 2 cups, 2nd place in the League and a playoff final back in August of last year, I would have bitten your hand off.
Thanks to an outstanding season go, as ever, to Gary, his coaching staff and the players but also to everyone behind the scenes whether they contributed their time, their money or both - we couldn't have done it without them.
While last season was the most exciting one ever for me, it's over now and we need to start looking forward to 2015/16. I'm convinced that if we can retain Gary's services, give him a decent budget and keep the bulk of our players, we've got a great chance of going one better and achieving automatic promotion.
And that's, as usual, where you come in.
You know, because I keep telling you, that the key to keeping Gary on board and the bulk of the squad intact, is the playing budget and you also know that gate receipts alone do not even scratch the surface of what is required in order to make that budget a competitive one.
Some of you made one-off or monthly donations to the 2014/15 season and those donations played a critical role in convincing Gary to stay on for 2014/15.
The purpose of this email is to ask those of you who made donations if you would be prepared to maintain (or even increase) the amount that you donated last year and those of you who were unable to make donations if you would be prepared to donate this year in order to give Gary the chance to finish the job that he so nearly completed yesterday.
Please drop me a line ( to let me know if you would be able to pledge funds for next season's budget and, if so, how much and whether it will be a one-off lump sum or a monthly donation.
Thanks again and have a great summer.
Next article in this thread: Re: Planning for 2015/16 by Simon25/5/2015 08:51Mon May 25 08:51:27 2015
Planning for 2015/16 by Simon18/5/2015 16:11Mon May 18 16:11:53 2015view thread
- Re: Planning for 2015/16 by Simon25/5/2015 08:51Mon May 25 08:51:27 2015