A Classic Case of Bad Timing - part 2
Views: 3993
Most of those who know me will be aware that I have suffered for a number of years with severe osteoarthritis in both hips, hence my occasional use of a walking stick - to be more accurate, a hiking stick.
For some time a hip replacement has been likely. A consultant I saw in February agreed that nothing would happen before June, therefore with the NHS's usual competence I am due for a total hip replacement this coming Wednesday, League Cup Final day!!!
Unless the unexpected happens and the operation is cancelled, my season has ended. I haven't enjoyed a season so much for years, and I've been watching the club since January 1960.
Much of this is down to events on the pitch. Massive congratulations are due to Gary and his staff, and the players for the performances and the results this season. Amongst other things, they have proved that you do not have to spend massive amounts in acquiring players.
We used to joke that the Burgess twins had green blood in their veins - particularly James, such was their commitment to Hendon. I guess the same is true of just about the whole squad this season given everybody's commitment to the cause and the ability to keep producing performance after performance and result after result when matches seemed to be going against us and the starting eleven in recent games must have been tired out before kick-off.
However not all the good news has come on the pitch. The Board, the Trust, the Supporters' Association, and Graham and his assistants all deserve huge thanks for all the work they have put in - both seen and unseen. The work put in so far at SJP and the acquisition of the new commercial team shows that the club is definitely going in the right direction off the field as well as on it.
With a minimum of five matches to play and a maximum of eight, the end of the season is definitely in sight, and the management team and players will deserve their close season break. However every match to be played is effectively ' a cup final', so the best of luck to everybody at the club - keep believing and the right results will come. I'm just sorry that I won't be around for the finishing stretch.
Next article in this thread: Re: A Classic Case of Bad Timing - part 3 by Adrian Warren13/4/2015 01:00Mon Apr 13 01:00:42 2015
A Classic Case of Bad Timing by Mike Cox12/4/2015 13:37Sun Apr 12 13:37:13 2015view thread
- A Classic Case of Bad Timing - part 2 by ChrisHFC12/4/2015 21:00Sun Apr 12 21:00:33 2015
- Re: A Classic Case of Bad Timing - part 3 by Adrian Warren13/4/2015 01:00Mon Apr 13 01:00:42 2015
- Re: A Classic Case of Bad Timing - part 3 by Deadman13/4/2015 07:33Mon Apr 13 07:33:58 2015
- Re: A Classic Case of Bad Timing - part 3 by Adrian Warren13/4/2015 12:46Mon Apr 13 12:46:09 2015
- Re: A Classic Case of Bad Timing - part 3 by Jeff Hill15/4/2015 10:02Wed Apr 15 10:02:23 2015