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The Twelth Man

By StAlbansDon6/4/2015 19:32Mon Apr 6 19:32:00 2015

Views: 4402

The three points today was equaled by the volume of travelling away fans which is so integral to supporting the boys over the finish line. The reason I have got involved with Hendon is due to the warmth I have felt from the fans and their passion and desire to keep their club going.

Gary has produced minor miracles putting together a squad on a relatively low budget, that is competing at the higest level. He and our marvellous players deserve greater support than the numbers that have been attending matches in recent years.

I have introduced fifteen youth teams with a further hundred families, hundred children being coached under the Hendon banner, and I am trying to introduce Hendon to the community around Silver Jubilee Park, as a safe, fun environment for all.

On that note, I do not accept fowl and abusive language which may compromise this, and alienate tha families and the children alike. I understand that football is a passionate game and explitives may be used, however we have a responsibility and a moral obligation as role models to the future generations of Hendon FC.

With this is mind, I hope we can all conduct ourselves that is best befitting the club , the supporters , but especially the youth. I am thoroughly enjoying my time with Hendon and especially the season we are having, and want to take the club onto a more stable footing. Let's all look forward to Margate on Thursday, thank you to Gary and the players for what you have given us so far this season.

The future is bright, the future is green.

Robert Morris

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