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Re: Another observation

By Paul Butler (legacy user)18/2/2015 12:31Wed Feb 18 12:31:03 2015In response to Another observation

Views: 3447

I didn't suggest they deliberately left the pitch in a worse state for us - it is clear to me however that they are charging us a significant financial sum and not investing ANY of that sum into the extra care required for the surface that having another team playing on it necessitates.

There have been at least two weekends where Earlsmead has had games called off where almost if not every other game on the list was on, so unless this particular corner of South Harrow has been rainier than the rest of Rymanland, the "it's just been a wet winter" excuse doesn't wash either.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Another observation by John18/2/2015 19:13Wed Feb 18 19:13:58 2015

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