Short or long - it's very simple.
Views: 3501
As with all set pieces, the most important thing is the quality and accuracy of the delivery into the danger area.
A short corner might drag one or two players out of position more than one hit deep. But from one of our corners, if the ball doesn't go to a Hendon player in the box, the chances of a goal for us are diminished as much as they are improved for the opposition (home v Enfield Town this season and last!).
I don't mind short corners, if the ball is delivered quickly, but the faffing about we are too frequently guilty of is not good and if possession is lost then too many players are caught out of position.
East Thurrock by Deadman10/2/2015 09:46Tue Feb 10 09:46:42 2015view thread
- Re: East Thurrock by Paul Butler10/2/2015 10:52Tue Feb 10 10:52:47 2015
- Short corners by John Fordham10/2/2015 20:33Tue Feb 10 20:33:57 2015
- Short corners by Richard Church11/2/2015 23:05Wed Feb 11 23:05:08 2015
- Re: Short corners by dw10/2/2015 21:39Tue Feb 10 21:39:44 2015
- Short or long - it's very simple. by David B12/2/2015 12:18Thu Feb 12 12:18:54 2015