Thank heavens (which opened last night)
Views: 3907
Having seen the state of the pitch at the beginning and end of play on Saturday, I am not entirely sure the match should have been given the go-ahead in the morning.
I know it was towards the end of the game, but I watched when one of our long clearances had both height and distance the ball barely bounced off the pitch. On a normal surface it would probably have bounced to waist/chest height and on a rock hard pitch to head height or higher; this one didn't get to knee height (Leon Smith’s knee height, not Charlie Goode’s, in case you were wondering).
Next article in this thread: Re: Thank heavens (which opened last night) by John Fordham26/1/2015 18:39Mon Jan 26 18:39:39 2015
Thank heavens (which opened last night) by David B26/1/2015 14:01Mon Jan 26 14:01:01 2015view thread
- Re: Thank heavens (which opened last night) by John Fordham26/1/2015 18:39Mon Jan 26 18:39:39 2015
- Player safety by David B27/1/2015 13:18Tue Jan 27 13:18:22 2015
- Re: Player safety by John Fordham27/1/2015 21:21Tue Jan 27 21:21:15 2015
- Don't stop by Jeff Hill27/1/2015 22:05Tue Jan 27 22:05:40 2015
- Re: Don't stop by David B28/1/2015 12:11Wed Jan 28 12:11:59 2015
- Re: Don't stop by John Fordham28/1/2015 08:44Wed Jan 28 08:44:11 2015