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Re: To paraphrase The Beatles, Yesterday all my troubles were not far away, from Harrow ..

By Paul Butler (legacy user)17/11/2014 10:01Mon Nov 17 10:01:21 2014In response to Re: To paraphrase The Beatles, Yesterday all my troubles were not far away, from Harrow ..

Views: 4967

Thought it was a comfortable victory against poor opposition, hopefully a kind draw in the next round and another easy one in the next round to put another couple of grand in.

As for attendances, regardless of traffic, Earlsmead is a pain in the arse to get to, and a dreary, miserable place that doesn't lend itself to creating an atmosphere. Add that to the fact that we've been playing twice a week for most of the last three months, and it's easy to see why an FA Trophy tie (we're normally shite in the Trophy) against lower opposition may be one of those games people choose to save a few quid and have a weekend off.

We're certainly not the only side in our league that has poor attendances, and they are up on last year, so I think criticism is a bit harsh, particularly from supporters of a one team town who are always going to have more chance of getting people in with hardly any competition in the immediate vicinity.

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Next article in this thread: Saturday's attendance by jimsredwhiteandgreen17/11/2014 16:40Mon Nov 17 16:40:44 2014

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