New Year Grand Draw
Views: 4571
The Grand New Year Draw will take place on the 3 January 2015, after our game at Earlsmead against East Thurrock United.
Last year’s draw was a record for both ticket sales and prizes. This year The Trust Board have increased the first prize to £300 and second to £150. There are also a guaranteed 5 third prizes of £50 each, additional prizes will be added subject to ticket sales. Each ticket cost £1 and is available from the Club Shop on matchdays or you can contact me direct on to arrange for tickets by post.
The success of this draw in seasons gone has been the willingness of supporters to sell tickets to family and friends etc. If you able to take a number of tickets to sell over the coming two months please let me know how many you need. I will be at Bury this Saturday and at Earlsmead for the Grays game the Saturday after . If these dates don’t fit I am happy to send tickets out in the post, they come in books of 5 , just e mail me your details including the number of tickets required and your address . The money etc does not need to be returned until nearer the draw date.
All proceeds , after paying prizes , go to the club. Thank you.
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New Year Grand Draw by eddieedd27/10/2014 13:51Mon Oct 27 13:51:49 2014view thread