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The big picture

By rwakeley (legacy user)13/10/2014 00:29Mon Oct 13 00:29:22 2014In response to Disappointing.

Views: 4444

I saw a video of Howard Krais the stones main man at an end of season champagne celebration following last years title win. I thought he spoke very well. I don't know what goes on behing the scenes of these clubs, but those that survive at this level appear to have the right people at the helm on and off the field.
Seeing those additional Hendon fans on Saturday gave me an insight into what may actually become the norm as we evolve going foward.
I make the connection between 20 years in charge stones gaffer and ten years in charge gaffer Gary McCann.
I agree whole-heartedly with Steve and his big picture analogy and suggest we as a club are quietly turning the corner - or at least I hope that is the case.
I believe supporters follow certain clubs because they adopt an intrinsic mind-set which is prelevant throughout that club.
I admire what the Stones have done. I don't know Mr Krais, but he looks and sounds a sensible chap who despite constant demands from fans for more cash to be splashed, would actually maintain a tight ship in the best interests of its viability.
I'm convinced that our board think along the same lines.
Hopefully Hendon will become more of a going concern rather than that of a growing one. If Hendon can match off the field, with what the gaffer has done on it, then the future is certainly much brighter.
Maybe one day, we will get our own champagne evening.


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Next article in this thread: Re: Disappointing. by Paul Butler13/10/2014 00:03Mon Oct 13 00:03:48 2014

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