Re: Disappointing.
Views: 4387
The one positive I can take from yesterday was the support - we showed yesterday that as a club we can get a following of 100+ to a far-flung away game and get vocally behind the side - congratulations to JR and Eddie for getting the coach sorted at short notice.
That's it though, no more big away followings until next season's FA Cup (will probably be the same regular 20 people at Dulwich in two weeks, where we'd have had 150odd if we went to Bristol Rovers or Torquay) a defeat to a poor side who are struggling in their league (kinda glad my wish to get in the Southern League didn't come through, as we're in the poorest Ryman Premier I've ever seen, and the Southern League seems to be much stronger) and the financial blow.
A tough couple of weeks coming up, not sure everyone will be shrugging off this defeat as much if we follow it with a defeat to MargatĀ£ and our annual loss over at Champion Hill, and now of course as last season the Trophy takes on more significance.
Referee and assistants didn't help, but we beat 12 men in the previous round by playing well against a far better opposition side, so can't use that as an excuse.
Classic case of a great day out spoiled by a game of football. Glad I've got other commitments so I can have two weeks without watching football after that, as for me it was a sore one.
Next article in this thread: Glory Hunting... & Stereotyping. by alan ainsworth14/10/2014 17:33Tue Oct 14 17:33:02 2014
Not remotely deflated by rwakeley12/10/2014 00:57Sun Oct 12 00:57:55 2014view thread
- Re: Not remotely deflated by SteveHFC12/10/2014 10:15Sun Oct 12 10:15:29 2014
- In dream land..... by mello12/10/2014 21:51Sun Oct 12 21:51:37 2014
- Fleeting moments by dw12/10/2014 22:18Sun Oct 12 22:18:21 2014
- Disappointing. by alan ainsworth12/10/2014 22:59Sun Oct 12 22:59:30 2014
- The big picture by rwakeley13/10/2014 00:29Mon Oct 13 00:29:22 2014
- Re: Disappointing. by Paul Butler13/10/2014 00:03Mon Oct 13 00:03:48 2014
- Glory Hunting... & Stereotyping. by alan ainsworth14/10/2014 17:33Tue Oct 14 17:33:02 2014