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By John Fordham (legacy user)10/7/2014 09:47Thu Jul 10 09:47:54 2014In response to Running on the pitch

Views: 8531

Am I the only one baffled by, in particular, Paul and Jake’s opinions on swearing. What I cannot figure out is why, for them, it is so important to be able to swear as much as they like having no regard for the impact on spectators in their vicinity. Directly related are:

1. As Hendon fans they are prepared to not attend home games if they cannot swear as much as they like. Surely, as fans, supporting their team is more important than curbing invective. Baffled.

2. They say that they will just be going to away games where they hope to be able to swear as much as they like. Hendon are clamping down on swearing as spectators can be offended. Don’t Paul and Jake realize that, at away games, spectators will be just as offended – particularly true on the south coast where there are family atmospheres. Don’t they care about potentially offending people just so they can swear. Don’t they also realize that any offence caused becomes a slight on Hendon FC. Do fans of any club want to lower the profile of that club. Baffled.

There are in the Daily Mirror online a couple of articles directly related to the swearing debate. Ian Winwood is a proponent and Darren Lewis an opponent. See

where Ian even concedes that “Had I realised that sitting in front of me at Ashton Gate was a 12 or 13 year old boy, I would not have said what I said. And for that, I am sorry.” At least he has some regard for the people around him.

Paul & Jake, could you please explain why, without regard for spectators around you or the potential impact on Hendon FC, it is so important for you to be able to swear as much as you like. I really am baffled.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Baffled by Jake Osborn 12/7/2014 14:05Sat Jul 12 14:05:50 2014

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