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Re: re: Fixtures.

By SteveHFC (legacy user)7/7/2014 19:16Mon Jul 7 19:16:28 2014In response to Re: re: Fixtures.

Views: 4985

As Alan said - they are out Monday.

Unfortunately they almost certainly won't be on the website as quick as previous years as I start a new job on Monday, which is going to limit my ability to update during the working day, and Phil is largely in a similar situation workwise.

Will get them onto the website either Monday lunchtime or worst case scenario on Monday evening. Obviously if anyone finds them beforehand - feel free to post them here, on Facebook, Twitter etc.

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Next article in this thread: Re: re: Fixtures. by Paul Butler7/7/2014 21:36Mon Jul 7 21:36:20 2014

Previous thread: Silver Jubilee Park by Rob Morris14/7/2014 10:28Mon Jul 14 10:28:15 2014view thread