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Re: Interview with Gary

By SteveHFC (legacy user)16/5/2014 16:41Fri May 16 16:41:11 2014In response to Interview with Gary

Views: 5815

Interesting how most of Gary's quotes have been on our website since Monday :)

Both the item I posted on our website on Tuesday (leading with the Scott Cousins news) - and the article posted on the league website have been taken from a press release that went out from the club at the beginning of the week.

Greensnet - The Official Hendon FC Website
Hendon FC Supporters Trust Official Website

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Next article in this thread: Gary on the Radio by Jeff Hill25/5/2014 14:27Sun May 25 14:27:33 2014

Previous thread: John Swannell/Rodney Haider by mike cox29/5/2014 11:22Thu May 29 11:22:33 2014view thread