End of Season Do - Sat 10th May
Views: 5046
The Supporters Association will be holding their end of season do at Silver Jubilee Park on 10 May at 7.30pm. The bar will be serving drinks. There will be a buffet, awards, raffle and more on the night. Only £3 for members of the Association or Trust. £10 to non-members.
It would be great to see as many people there as possible. The Association (and the Trust) work very hard for the club. So by attending you are showing your appreciation of the hard work that goes on behind the scenes, that most people don't see. I'll get off my soap box now.
You can pay on the night, but please can you email Sandra on sandra.wood50@ntlworld.com or myself on johnerice@hotmail.com if you are attending. This is just so we don't end up with one sausage roll, two vol au vents and a cheese and pickle sandwich between 200 of us.
We are also offering some fantastic opportunities to make the night more interesting:
Race Sponsorship - £20. For that you get your company logo/name on the Race Card, your company name will be mentioned before the race starts, you get to name the race and your company logo/name will be displayed on a special sponsorship page on the new Supporters association website being launched very soon.
Owners - £2. You pay for a horse and you get to name it (if you pay before the event due to preparing the Race Card), your name will go on the Race Card and if you win you receive one bottle of red and one bottle of white wine.
Jockeys - £1. You pay of your horse and your name appears on the Race Card and if you win you get a box of chocolates (eg. Roses, Celebrations).
The above options are open to you, your family, friends, barber, next door neighbour, boss or anyone you can think of.
If you are interested in any of the above please email me at johnerice@hotmail.com. If you are unable to attend but would still like to contribute perhaps you could donate bottles of wine (red/white) or boxes of chocolates. If so, please email me.
Thank you very much.
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End of Season Do - Sat 10th May by John Rice22/4/2014 21:33Tue Apr 22 21:33:05 2014view thread