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Another sunny Saturday

By dw (legacy user)1/3/2014 15:46Sat Mar 1 15:46:00 2014

Views: 5788

Yet another glorious sunny Saturday afternoon and no home football. There have been no home Saturday matches this year so far. Any bets on whether there will be one in March? I understand that the health and safety of officials and players is vital, and I know that the weather has been simply dreadful, but it is getting so frustrating, especially when most of the Ryman Premier programme was on today.

3G (or 4G, 5G, 6G…. whatever) must surely be the future, where sustainable commercially, OR simply well drained and maintained pitches.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Another sunny Saturday by mike cox1/3/2014 16:09Sat Mar 1 16:09:32 2014

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